Hints & Tips

As I start this blog you will find it a bit all over the place,and eventually I will sort into better categories
Grated cheese freezes well and you can just lift out how much you need at any given time.

Hint : How many times do left overs make there way to the back of your fridge only to go off. Freeze them then add to soups,stews,casseroles,pasta sauce,mince dishes
Who chucks out left over gravies accumulated after cooking casseroles and stews? Most often this is very tasty and full of goodness freeze in cups or iceblock trays

Carnation Milk is cheaper than cream and healthier too, but every bit as rich. I used it for things like cream soups, or macaroni and cheese, anything really that has a creamy sauce,there isn't a great deal of difference between Carnation and cream, but it was definitely creamier and richer than using milk.
Cornflakes crushed make an ideal topping for your casseroles or mornays if you don't have cheese or bread crumbs
Buy chicken breast fillets when on special to use for schnitzel / fried chicken some are so thick that you can fillet another small piece for the kids. Most often these come in a pack of two so you could easily fillet 6 pieces, Also use for seasoning,stuffing with your favourite filling.Then of course they can be diced for a casserole cut into cubes while partly frozen to get good squares.

Note: Remember, if you have a newer crockpot that cooks hotter, check the chicken at 6 or 7 hours. If your food burns, it was cooked too long. You must know if your crockpot cooks hotter.

Imitation Cream( larger quantity)
Ever been caught when the shops are closed and you want cream for a recipe
1 cup Butter
1 cup Sugar
1cup Hot Water
Beat all together until it looks like whipped cream

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